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A new early intervention service for eating disorders

CatholicCare has been selected to provide the new early intervention service for eating disorders in partnership with ACT Health and The Clinical Hub. The service will deliver early intervention treatment for Canberrans who are in the early stages of developing an eating disorder. Early intervention is crucial as it improves the speed of recovery, provides better long-term health outcomes, and decreases the need for more intense treatments.

Minster for Mental Health Emma Davidson explained the importance of this service and the vital part it will play in Canberra’s suite of eating disorder treatment services. “Those who do not seek treatment often do so between 4 and 10 years after the onset of the disorder, meaning they usually require more intensive specialist support and acute care”, Davidson explains.

“If we can encourage people to access an early intervention service and to seek care sooner, then they will be feeling better sooner”.

Although their first service in relation to eating disorders, CatholicCare have an extensive history of various early intervention services. “CatholicCare are really excited to be working in partnership with ACT Health and The Clinical Hub as the community-based NGO, to deliver the Early Intervention Service for Eating Disorders in the ACT”. Marymead CatholicCare CEO Anne Kirwan explains.

“CatholicCare are committed to implementing and delivering an evidence-based model, to assist with overcoming barriers in accessing early treatment and focusing on recovery for people in Canberra who are seeking help for eating disorders”.

The service will open in February 2023.

Read the full media release here.

Pictured: Samantha Gill (CatholicCare), Anne Kirwan (CEO Marymead CatholicCare), Emma Davidson (Minister for Mental Health), Cheryl Garrett (ACT Health)

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