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Reconnect ACT

Are you experiencing conflict with your parents/ and or teenager(s)?

Is it becoming increasingly difficult to keep the peace at home?

Reconnect ACT is an outreach program for young people aged 12-18 and their families in the ACT.

Our Youth and Family Workers can come to you and meet in a place where you feel most comfortable; be it your home, your community, your school or work. The program can provide support to both the young person and their parents/care-givers with different workers where appropriate. The program can help young people and their families work through a range of issues to achieve family reconciliation. The program can also help you find appropriate accommodation where reconciliation is not possible.  Our Reconnect Youth Workers can also support young people to access employment, education, training and other community activities.

For more information or to make a referral to this service, contact 6163 7600


Funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services

Service Enquiry

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